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Old August 23rd, 2007
Nousername Nousername is offline
Join Date: August 23rd, 2007
Posts: 5
Nousername is flying high

Originally Posted by ukbobboy01 View Post
Junior Member Nousername

Although your ISP does not throttle P2P traffic they can initiate a kind of selective throttling because I get the same kind of thing. I can get burst of speeds of up to 300+ kbs and settled speeds of about 150kbs but it will after a time go down to zero then after a few minutes back up to a sustained 150kbs and so on.

I think, but can't prove, that ISP do this to share out their bandwidth and, hand on heart, say that they do not throttle P2P. Because non-throttling ISPs know that a lot of their current customers have transfered over to them from ISPs that do throttle P2P activity and they do not want to alienate or loose their P2P using customers, hence partial throttling.

UK Bob
Thanks UK Bob. The thing is, my min. download speed now is not 150kbs (i'd be happy if it was) but under 10kbs. And that sucks.

Btw, I'm in France and my isp is 9telecom. Are there known technical reasons (and their resolutions of course), independent of any isp, on why download speeds can go from 300kbs+ to 0kbs then not over 10kbs, or not?

Thanks again Bob.
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