I'm also, still having problems connecting to the LW's Gnutella network using Vista and Norton 360 due to a firewall issue.
It's been working fine since I installed it six months ago, but one day BAM!

it wasn't connecting me anymore. Some have ofered help sayig to try uninstalling Norton and LW, then reinstalling LW 1st then Norton, but still nothing. I've turned off my Norton firewalls going through "Tasks and Settings", "Change Advacned Settings", deselecting "Tranaction Security", going to "Firewall Protection Settings" and turning my firewall off and still nothing.
The only thing I haven't tried is uninstalling Java and reinstalling it because
1 I don't know how
2 I'm afraid it might negatively affect how my programs work
I don't know of any other free music sharing site that doesn't ask for every peice of ID and credit card you have, so I refuse to give up on LW.
I know something one day will happen to corect the issue, but I sure do hope it's sooner than later.
If anyone reading this can suggest something I'd sure appreciate it.