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Old August 23rd, 2007
Chels36927 Chels36927 is offline
Join Date: August 23rd, 2007
Posts: 1
Chels36927 is flying high

So I just called Comcast. I know this thread says they do NOT block p2p, but it seems anytime i try to run a p2p program... oh! my internet dies. I spoke to a very tactless customer service representitve who informed me that they (comcast customer service) had received an email just this morning stating that Comcast does not interfere with file sharing programs and in fact couldn't because Comcast doesn't monitor customers' internet usage.

even the customer service representive admitted this sounded absolutely ridiculous.

just curious, why would you send out an email declaring you do NOT do something, unlesS multitudes of people have been complaining you in DO?
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