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Old August 23rd, 2007
stiddy stiddy is offline
Join Date: August 23rd, 2007
Posts: 3
stiddy is flying high

I am having a horrible time connecting to any p2p hosts. I have limewire,frostwire, kazaa,bearshare, and afew other smaller ones. I have thoroughly read the previous 600 posts about this issue but I still have no joy. I have even gone as far as changing my dns and setting up a static ip address but all it did was make my explorer slower. I am running win xp pro sp2 i have plenty of space and memory and power on my pc and I have completely turned off all of my firewalls, antivirus and spyware . I am connecting to the web with windstream broadband and it is plenty fast( faster than the road runner we had) andstill nothing. please help before I get the gun. I am married with 3 kids and I cant take much more frustration. thx stiddy
untold suffering seldom is.....
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