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Old August 24th, 2007
JudoChop! JudoChop! is offline
Join Date: August 24th, 2007
Posts: 1
JudoChop! is flying high
Default Problem: Force Quitting the App

I've just recently updated to LWpro 4.14 and I'm trying to work out the kinks. The biggest problem is that when I shut down the program it gets stuck on the "Shutting down LimeWire..." progress window, and I eventually have to Force Quit the app. I'm pretty sure Java is up to date, and I dumped the prefs file, so, if anyone could suggest a fix I would greatly appreciate it.

I'm on a MacBook 2GHz with 1 gig of memory running 10.4.10. I'm pretty sure Java is up to date.
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