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Old August 24th, 2007
Nick Storm Nick Storm is offline
Share Junkie
Join Date: July 18th, 2007
Location: AZ
Posts: 41
Nick Storm is flying high
Default Um, yeah, sure...

Sorry if I gave the impression I am new at this sort of thing. That is not the case. I've tried most versions of P2P that are out there, including Kazaa. To my knowledge, neither Kazaa Lite nor Kazaa Resurrection allow full unfettered access to Gnutella. I installed Lite some time ago, and uninstalled it a few days later. It took some very heavy duty AV software (of the Dept of Defense variety) to fully clean my system of the Kazaa vestiges.

I am also a registered Limewire Pro user, and have been for years. Bearshare is hands down better, and when it comes to locating music, it is almost always successful. For large video files, I've switched to bit torrent (uTorrent, specifically). The files are much larger (some in the range of several gig), and using torrent search engines, you can find most anything in a matter of minutes.

So, as far as Kazaa is concerned, thanks, but no thanks. Out of curiosity, do you work for Sharman?
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