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Old August 25th, 2007
roimay roimay is offline
Join Date: July 21st, 2007
Posts: 31
roimay is flying high

Yes I am a Mac user. And I have not fiddled with Java yet. Though did update recently to 1.3.1 and 1.4.2 Release 2. BTW Ihave Mac 10.4.10 and LW 4.14.8 PRO also both recently updated/upgraded.

Interesting though that at 98% of a 700Mb d/l, going well, it froze when I opened Mail and responded to your last. Had to Force Quit - Again.

I had stopped sharing all the big and popular files and it seemed to be going well.

Maybe it is just my low bandwith unable to cope? Leave it for the moment. I will check performance and see how things go after trying a few variations over the next week or so. Need that long as it takes a while to d/l 'stuff' and I want to see if it freezes when uploading only.
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