While you are getting the info requested by WW, can you also check that you have UPnP activated in your Win XP. Also you need to insure that UPnP is activated in LimeWire as well.
As for your modem/router, you need to log onto its configuration screen as the administrator and that will tell you whether it has UPnP activated. LimeLady07
You problem seems to be a mystery, how can you have major firewall problems when you all you have is dial up, which cannot be "throttled", and Win 2000 as an O/S, and I don't think it has a built in firewall like XP and Vista.
And even if Win 2000 does have a firewall all you have to do is switch it off.
The only other thing that may cause you a problem is your AV, if it has a "worm" facility then switch it off.
Let us know how you get on.
UK Bob |