LimeWire 4.14 severely reduces the search results you get by discarding everything that some entity beyond our control has decided is "junk." Changing junk filter options appears to have absolutely no effect on this "feature" and THE PREVIOUS BEHAVIOR CANNOT BE RESTORED BY UNINSTALLING 4.14 AND REINSTALLING 4.12. I have been waiting 3 days for someone to respond to my email request for support on this issue (I'm running LimeWire Pro.) I think that this was done intentionally for some reason. I have tried deleting all folders with "LimeWire" in the name in hopes of deleting all LimeWire configuration so that I can install the old version from scratch, but no success. I may have to reformat if don't get any support and if I can't figure out where LimeWire stores this configuration information. Don't be a victim of this "feature."