Peerless' email:
so you actually have the unmitigated gall to break the law and request students pray...and pray for a dog killer...oh my fvcking god, what a twat you are....
I pray that he gets sentenced to the maximum and is stuck in a cell with a huge KKK member who is an advocate for PETA...I also pray that you get a freaking life and realize a sociopath for what he is you are obviously the reason our schools are so lame in this time, I mean really the fact you are actually a principal says it all...
what should really happen to Vick is that he get strung up and have 120V applied to his scrotum...then before he's dead he should get cut down, grabbed by the ankles and have his head slammed into the concrete...just like he did to those animals...or maybe he should be put into a ring with a starving pit bull like he did to so many other innocent animals to train his killers...
pfffffffffft on you dillhole, you are a sign of what is wrong with the world
So Long and Thanks for All the Files
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