1. Limewire is probably going to release a new version with hashes soon. So why should they waste time improving an outdated download resume scheme?
2. I completely agree. Where are you developers? I sure hope you are coding something useful, and not throwing a big party with all of the money you have been making. (You could have at least invited me!!!) Anyways, if you REALLY want to get their attention, then I suggest you post to the developers mailing list which you can find on or just email Adam or Greg. No use bitching here especially if you know that nobody is listening.
3. Vinnie and his crew do a great job about replying to the public (sometimes too much). Limewire could definately learn a few things from them to improve their customer service.
4. You can't stop and drop everything because of a few bugs. A lot of the time, bugs are found while adding new features to a program. Besides, I haven't had ANY problems with Limewire, and I would personally LOVE to see hashes implemented RIGHT NOW. To hell with the few minor bugs that are ****ing off those unfortunate few. Heh, but that's just me