Ok I've used limewire for almost 5 years and never seen anything like this happen. Usually I can work around problems with limewire or isp (that censor your connection) but this one has me stumped.
Some files I can download (like mp3,lit,doc,jpg) but any file that is tagged (mpg, wma, qt, real,) or any video file is just not happening.
I can have tons of sources per file but it winds up with the (need more sources!) ugh!!!
Now someone correct me if I'm wrong...
It seems to me someone at (Limewire) has changed the code and added a blocking code to stop all video downloads to limewire.
Looks like Limewire has gone over to the MPAA and RIAA to save their butts to me. (there goes the internet)
Oh, and for all the ones that are (tech savy) please don't instult my intelligence with the standard tech questions..
I've got ports forwarded in my firewall and router, run a 3.3ghz system with more ram than I can count, and my system is up to date on all drivers. My isp doesn't block ports like the last one did (hence why I'm no longer a customer of them). And my system is windows xp.
I've tried uninstalling limewire (even deleted folders) uninstalled java and redownloaded it and installed the latest update along with limewire, uninstalled a couple of updates from microsoft that affected Upnp and tcp stack.
Any Ideas Anyone?
Here's a direct qoute from limewire.com about page.
"What's new at Lime Wire?
Lime Wire is introducing a filtering system to encourage safer, more responsible file sharing. Copyright owners interested in blocking their files from being downloaded, uploaded and shared are invited to learn more and register here. LimeWire users can learn more about responsible file sharing in Copyright Information."
Sounds like censorship to me!!!
A new filtering system that filters out the files they (limewire) feel are what? Harmful, err responsible? Looks like Limewire has gone the way of napster...joined the opsition just to stay in the game....sad...