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Old March 15th, 2002
pdX pdX is offline
Join Date: March 12th, 2002
Location: LA / San Francisco
Posts: 4
pdX is flying high
Default Volumes folder bug report for 2.2.4

Here's the config: OS X 10.1.3, LimeWire 2.2.4, with a download location on a seperate partition. I began to sort through my files in the OS while LimeWire was open. I was throwing away items, and moving others to different folders. I didn't realize that someone was downloading one of the files I was moving to the trash. When I tried to empty the trash, the OS prompted me that I couldn't because that item was in use. So I checked LimeWire's Monitor tab to find that someone indeed was continuing to download that item, even as it had moved to my trash. This of course raises a concern that within LimeWire I didn't specify my trash to be shared. If I moved that item to a non shared ordinary folder on the same partition, would that folder become shared? So I quit LimeWire, ending this individual's download. The next time I opened LimeWire I noticed I was sharing 0 files, which wasn't accurate, so I tried to download a few small files, and I couldn't locate any new downloads on my hard drives. On check, I found the download location within LimeWire was said to be the same as before. I assumed, then that LimeWire was downloading to the trash (invisibly).

Next I opened preferences and tried to select my original download folder. Unfortunately, I couldn't back out enough to find the whole hard drive, so I retyped the directory route (something like /Volumes/ScratchPart/Documents/Downloads/LimeWire). But this didn't work. In the OS's finder, I saw no Incomplete folder generated, and a check of the LimeWire library represented the folder to be an ordinary document, not a folder. So then I tried to retype the address, and nothing seemed to do it. Again I downloaded a few test files, which I couldn't locate with Sherlock, but could see and launch them from LimeWire's Library. So I uninstalled and reinstalled LimeWire, and the same location showed up in the preferences. Finally, I purged LimeWire content from my system manually, rebooted in OS 9, ran DiskWarrior and Norton's Utilities. Then ran Ghost Hunter 2.1 to locate any missing or invisible files.

Here's where it gets weird. I call one of my partitions, the one to which I download: ScratchPart. Via my manually entering a location into LimeWire, LimeWire created a series of folders on my primary hard drive in the invisible folder called Volumes. In the Volumes folder, you normally see alias' to your other drives & partitions. Well, LimeWire created a new folder called ScratchPart, forcing my original alias (which points at that partition) to rename itself ScratchPart 1. This of course mislead all my other apps that incorporated links and download locations along the Volumes/ScratchPart/ path to send content into and generate new cache folders, etc, within a new bunch of folders hidden within the invisible Volumes folder. Thus missing my partition all together, and making the content invisible (only because they're inside an invisible folder - not because their visibility is turned off or on). Using Ghost Hunter, I deleted the ScratchPart folder (and all it's contents) and renamed my ScratchPart 1 alias ScratchPart. Then ran my Utilities, rebooted into OS X, and reinstalled LimeWire. Running fine now, able to locate my original download location without hitch.

Hope this helps. pdX