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Old September 3rd, 2007
schmootie2t schmootie2t is offline
Join Date: September 3rd, 2007
Posts: 2
schmootie2t is flying high
Default why is LW suddenly opening CLASSIC?

I have been using LW version 4.12.11 for some time with no problems. (even though I preferred the older version) Two days ago, after completing a download, Limewire began to open Classic (os9) and it's version of iTunes. I quit classic since I am using OSX iTunes. The downloads didn not appear in my OSX iTunes folder. I have gone back to LW preferences and made sure that all the choices are the ones I want. Restarted and tried again, but LW continues to try to open Classic. Am ready to uninstall and put back the older version if there isn't a ready solution, but don't know how to uninstall 4.12.11. Any help on either of these two possible paths will be appreciated. I am runnning OSX version 10.3.9 w/512 ram -a few gigs of HD space left - DSL - from home - using AT&t internet service.
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