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  #28 (permalink)  
Old March 15th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Exclamation $4000/mo. for a FastTrack license? Are you NUTS?

Someone mentioned that KaZaa pays $4000/mo. for a license, then asked where they come up with that kind of money.

helllloooo. wake UP.
if a FastTrack license was only $4K/Mo. everyone and their dog would be running a fasttrack client.

"where do they get that kind of money?"
do you have any idea how much each user is worth? Let's take the old Morpheus for an example- they didn't even bundle "spyware"- they only displayed banner ads.
I've read that morpheus of old served over 6Billion ad impressions to date. Ok. They can sell those impressions for at least 50 cents/thousand. You do the math.

thats million$ right there. KaZaa gets about 15-25 cents for every user that installs them and their spyware (I'm in the industry, I know btw). Think about that over 20 million or so users.

$4000 a month? You've got to be joking. You can make $4K a month on the Net with about 1/100th of the users KaZaa pulls in.
KaZaa makes more like $4 Million a month.

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