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Old September 8th, 2007
Cobra Kai Cobra Kai is offline
Join Date: September 8th, 2007
Posts: 1
Cobra Kai is flying high


Im also having problems. I just got a new mac book pro with os x 10.4.10 and donloaded the latest limewire (4.14.8) and I get the connection problem as a result of the firewall (wall in front of the globe icon).

I followed some earlier advice and went into my system settings, created the port name "Gnutella/Limewire" with the 6436 numbers. nothing happens.

However, what am I supposed to put in the Limewire Firewall Preferences? Right now, its on the default "27095 listen on port" and defaulted to "Use UPnP" recommended setting. Grayed out, in an un checked setting is "27095" manual port forward (not selected).

i am running on my airport card via a router which i dont no too much about. however, my old computer, worked and ran limewire just fin on it.

thanks for any help anyone can provide.

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