Gnotella still works fine, just wont connect to BS. By the way, old versions of BS wont connect to the new BS either!!!
1. Vinnie wants to own his own little network, LET HIM!
Its still gnutella.
2. I don't want to support his little network $$, that's why I don't use BearShare!
No problem, thats your choice.
3. He makes $$ from his little network, greed doesn't belong on gnutella, see what the RIAA is doing via GREED!
He has to make a living. Unless someone can organize ALOT of people to dedicate some good time to coding it is not easy to code a good powerful client
6. Commercial interests have now lost to a open source client and will do anything to regain their position as "#1", this is GREED at work! Watch out!
I assume you are refering to Morpheus. Well that happens to be a MAJOR commercial interest. And in case you havent read they will be having a new closed source Moprheus 2.0 with software to enforce copyright!!!
7. I like being part of the network, not some "outsider" looking in and like being able to connect WITHIN a network.
It will be less important for BS to cluster as other clients add much needed features such as file hashes and ultrapeers. What do you care, your horizon is still the same no matter what client you are using. If you hate BS so much why do you want to see it in your horizon anyway?