Thread: Infos request
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Old September 9th, 2007
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cldjr cldjr is offline
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cldjr is flying high

Hi. Sorry to boring you again. Since my last post june 30th, I made many try and talk to my provider who send me someone who couldn't fix the Limewire connection. I must say Mac is not very popular here and the guy doesn't know anything about it. Anyway he came at the same conclusion that port(s) should be closed. I had confirm today at Home of Gibson Research Corporation (ShieldsUp) It's true (same) with the different port you suggest me.
I learn also, that my provider has change (Not me), "he" sold his customer to another. I was not inform of that, I don't know if it's very legal, laws are very flexible here and customers not their first preoccupation !
When I change a port number on my Firewall (OS>Prefs>Sharing> Firewall), do I have to modify too the setting on Limewire prefs.> Advanced>Firewall> Listening Port ? Also, if am not using UPnP, Manual Port Forward should be the same as in OS Prefs/Sharing ?
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