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Old September 12th, 2007
Amlanwildlife Amlanwildlife is offline
Join Date: September 12th, 2007
Location: Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India
Posts: 11
Amlanwildlife is flying high
Default Aborted Downloads!! - How to resume??


Though my limewire works fine... and I generally put it on for downloads at night and it runs the whole night while i sleep as my internet downloads are free at night. However last night I guess there must have been some problem as when i woke up in the morning and checked my limewire downloads. Three of the downloads were aborted mid way.. is there any way I can resume them. I really would hate to restart the downloads.. from scratch..

There was an error message too, which dont remember very properly, as I was groggy in the morning, but it sort of said there was a glitch but you can ignore and carry on ..

Can anyone help regardin this?

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