Thread: Disk Problem
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Old September 12th, 2007
Wrestlinggoddess2 Wrestlinggoddess2 is offline
Join Date: September 12th, 2007
Posts: 1
Wrestlinggoddess2 is flying high

OK so I am running Windows Vista Home Premium edition, I have two movies I downloaded--rather my husband downloaded-- and I have updated this morning to the newest version thinging this would rid me of the 'Disk Problem' message that I got for those two movies. It was fine until it went to verify the movie file and then gave 'Disk Problem'. I have over 150GB free space on my HDD so that isn't the problem, I have checked my firewall settings, I have run Disk Defrag daily as usual, and it's only these 2 files. Plus now since updating the basic edition I don't have access to my old LW files which bites BIGTIME. I've called Microsoft and HP both of which have told me this is a LW issue not a system issue. I am not that computer savvy so I don't know what to do here to fix it so they aren't in my incomplete file. I have also had a problem with trying to create folders to partition my music and video like I had set up before. Can someone help me please? I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance for any and all help you can provide.
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