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  #126 (permalink)  
Old September 17th, 2007
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Bare Babes of Belarus Fan Bare Babes of Belarus Fan is offline
Join Date: September 17th, 2007
Posts: 2
Bare Babes of Belarus Fan is flying high

Who says the pictures of nude girls are porn... The Russian girls at some of the nudie sites are the sweetest chicks on the web.

Pornography is when these same sweet chicks are being sexually assaulted or abused, anyone who checks the mainstream sites looking for piccy's of nude girls, is very soon going to be confronted with images of very young people undergoing abuse, indeed torture, beatings, r*pe... so where the hell is the FBI.

In many countries girls are routinely wed in their early teens, in much of Africa a woman will be a grandmother while still in her thirties, Jesus mother was said to have been married at fifteen, even as she was with child.

So what is wrong with a younger girl putting her photographic portfolio on the net if she wants to... if the money is right, and the conditions under which the shots are taken comply with the models union rules... and where they can rely on police protection against exploitation and abuse, and lets get the pornographers arrested and off the street, and a few rules in the industry.

Last edited by Bare Babes of Belarus Fan; March 26th, 2009 at 01:35 AM.
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