Originally Posted by Chloe45 After the songs are download, they don't show up in my Itune Libary. They only show up in Limewire Libary.. Need help.. Step my step.. I am old.  |
If you make itunes your computers default player, as soon as you play the files they will appear in your itunes library...
To disable LW player go to Tools > Options > Player and untick the box and select apply...
To make itunes your default player
Go to your shared folder (outside of Limewire) you will find this folder by clicking on one of your files in your LW library and clicking explore...
Right click on one of your MP3 files
Select open with
Select choose program
select itunes
and tick the box that says always use this program to open this file type
Select OK
You can also create your own playlist by dragging and dropping the files from your shared folder outside of limewire into a newly created playlist in itunes...