Hi all,
my 1st post, and I am already begging for help...
I will explain what happens to me...
From one day to another, my PC decided to change the appearance, which renders it almost impossible to use.
To summuarise, on my desktop, all the names of each icons dissapeared, so did the clock, the quick launch icon appear from time to time.
If I click on the right button of my mouse, a grey bar appear, but not the usual menu. You can see the black triangles that allow to open sub menus are here, but I can't see any writing... If I click on something it opens, but I have to take a guess each time...
In the windows, just the icons appear, but all the names (even on the buttons: the "OK" and "cancel" words do not appear)
All the "file" "edit" "view" etc do not appear, and I can't click in the void there, nothing happens...
I managed to take a screen capture, and managed to upload it on photobucket for you to see:
Firefox, however, works fine, all the "file" "edit" etc menus appear and work perfectly...
I really do not get it...
Can someone help me?
Do I have to format my system partition and reinstall xp?
Thanks a lot for your help!