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Old September 22nd, 2007
Bri's Mom Bri's Mom is offline
Join Date: September 22nd, 2007
Posts: 3
Bri's Mom is flying high
Question Unable to run LimeWire Pro

I am using a Mac OS X. I can't get LimeWare Pro to start on my computer. I downloaded (and paid for it on the official site) it off the internet, and then an application appears on my computer saying to click if I want to download it, and that runs, and says it's installation is complete. it then goes back to the window asking me to download to begin installation. I have 2 icons on the destop - one that looks like a hard drive with a green circle on top, labels LimeWire; the other is labeled LimeWireOSX.dmg. If I click on the hard drive icon showing LimeWire, or the icon showing LimeWireOSX.dmg, it just takes me back to the page to download. I have done this at least 15 times, thinking one of them would work, or maybe I can find something else I am suppose to do. The program does not show up in the computer at all, except for those 2 icons. I owuld really appreciate assistance.
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