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Old September 26th, 2007
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Yes ... the files that not so many people have. You may need to download it from someone in russia or in a corner of the usa or ... etc. lol For rarer files, it best to try to search at different times of the day. People come & go off the network all the time over a 24 hr, 1 week or 2 week period. I find that if a person has similar files, I make a note of their ip address (hoping their ip is static & not dynamic), & try to direct connect to them or search files they have so ... getting in indirect contact with others with similar files. It seems to make searches improve too for the material I am after. That's because we are unable to reach the entire network at one time ... at least trying to reach that section of the network that has similar files. Sharing similar files also helps with searches (at least if people are uploading them. And can also hopefully browse those uploading from you.)

Also try varying your search .... search only title or only artist or only album, etc. And not only music type search but general also. Try varying the search criteria & words you use. You can also try searching albumwraps ( How to Downld whole albums & Albumwrap).

BTW I have also downloaded FrankZ files.

(Please don't mention copyright titles on the forum.)

Yes ... if you are happy with the version you have .. there's no great need to update. Whilst LW tries to keep the gnutella network improving by making improvements to the program & keeping up with changes made by all other gnutella programs, there's no major demand on you to do so. (Though some of the very early versions have been banned by both LW & many other gnutella programs due to their poor behaviour on the network. Likewise for some other earlier versions of other gnutella programs. Thus they won't connect to anybody when attempting to download.)
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