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Old March 17th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Angry Sick of Firewalls

I'm getting sick of searching for files only to find them all protected behind firewalls.
I respect the desire to protect you computer from intruders, but you're downloading files from anonymous people. The firewalls are totally useless because you can get a virus from the files you're downloading. No matter how great your anti-virus software is it can always miss one.
I think the use of firewalls on the Gnutella should be prohibited or at least strongly discouraged. It defeats the purpose of the network. These people are taking files, but not sharing with others.
I don't use a firewall on the Gnutella because I want to give, not just take. I'm already at risk downloading files from people I don't know so there is no point to a firewall.

Please remove you're firewalls. You have some really great stuff I'd like to check out.
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