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Old September 27th, 2007
ukbobboy01 ukbobboy01 is offline
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Default Limiting LW's Connections


Not only are your questions interesting, they are also unique, I cannot remember coming across any post before that has asked about limiting their connection.

That said, I think I may be able to suggest a few things:

1) Do not share your shared folder, if other P2P users cannot share your files they cannot download from you and so saving on bandwidth usage. Mind you, this is very anti-P2P and you could be labelled a "freeloader".

2) Only do your downloads at certain times, e.g. between say midnight and 4am. That way your usage of the Uni's bandwidth is hardly likely to upset anyone if noticed.

3) Likewise, don't use LW during the day when most students will be using the Uni's internet system.

4) If you must use LW during the day then try to only download "5" or less files at a time, most of us usually set up 10 or more to download in one go, but since you want to stay under the "radar" you will need to use the "small amounts" approach.

Mind you, none of the above suggestions will mean anything if your Uni decides to install "bandwidth throttling" equipment, and as LOTR said most colleges and Universities have already done so.

Good Luck.

UK Bob
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