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Old September 28th, 2007
CFLymewire CFLymewire is offline
Join Date: September 28th, 2007
Posts: 2
CFLymewire is flying high
Default All Searches Appear w/ Spam at 270.6kb filezize

no matter what i search for the search is always littered with these spam files. they are named exactly what i typed in the search bar and they all have filesize of 270.6kb??

depending on how specific my search is there could be over 50 different ones all named the same and all at 270.6kb, it takes up all the whole search so i cant get what i really want to download i just get a ton of these spam files.

example: if i search for [edit] i just get a bunch of spams that say [edit] and have the same filesize of 270.6kb. its like that for everything i search for.
i cant keyword block it because it comes up as whatever i search, and i cant block the host because each one is a different host.

what do i do??


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Last edited by wondering why; September 28th, 2007 at 03:21 PM.
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