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Old September 30th, 2007
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Originally Posted by Eugene Cuthbertson View Post
I don't know how to start over or even if I must....I don't understand why I just can't reinstall and if I must pay, I will pay but if I start over all those songs I had listed will be gone?
Your downloads are saved to your computer. Providing you haven't changed the location for saving to somewhere silly (eg within program files), your files will be safe if you reinstall LW. To check - in LW go tools > options > saving. The default location for saving (Windows) is C:\Documents and Settings\your name\Shared...that's a safe location

When you buy Pro from the official site your email address is added to the database. Once your Pro is more than 6 months or a year old, depending how long you've bought Pro for, your email address will be removed from the database unless you buy Pro again. Your email address will only be in the database if you've bought Pro from the official site.

When your Pro is getting close to expiring, you'll see a notice on your Pro personal download page...offering you a small discount to renew Pro
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