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Old October 4th, 2007
VanDeGraaff VanDeGraaff is offline
Join Date: October 4th, 2007
Posts: 2
VanDeGraaff is flying high
Default LW wont connect on my new laptop.

Hi. i have troubles getting limewire to connect. I have tried to delete the limewire folder, but it didnt help. i only have 1 green bar in the bottom left corner. i have tried to press Disconnect, wait a few minutes and then press connect again, but it have no effect.
I have not tried to delete and reinstall LW, java, norton or anything like that. I am hoping i dont have to, as im not a wery good PC-doctor.

I have used LW for several years now, but it just wont work on my new laptop. Its a great program, so its really sad it wont work.

1. OS version? Vista (So far im not impressed).
2. What firewalls you have? Windows (deactivated) and Norton Internet Security.
3. How much ram? Not sure, but nothing less of 1024Mb
4. Hard Disk space available? Over 100Gb, it should be enough.
5. Connection type? Broadband, wireless.
6. Modem & router brand name & model numbers? No clue
7. Where are you trying to connect from? Apartment, and house at weekends.
8. What version of LimeWire (LW) & Java do you have? LW: 4.14.10, Java: 1.6.0_02
9. Who is your ISP? Telenor, i believe.
10. The simple test didnt work.
11. Are you sharing the connection with other computers or p2p sharing programs? There are other computers on the same wireless network, but dont ask me about the advanced setups and such.
12. Is this a your 1st try at LW or is this a new problem with an experienced user? Old user on new computer (i used to have xp, and limewire worked fine)
13. Do you see a brick wall in front of the blue world icon at the bottom of LW's interface? yup.
14. For those using a modem/router, how is your modem/router set up...are you port forwarding or is UPnP enabled? Wah?
15. What security programs are you using (antivirus etc)? Norton Internet Security and windows defender. i could also have some that i dont know of.
16. What country are you living in? Norway. I've been in norway and the mediteranean, and as i see it thats one place too much. I would like to visit Canada at some time tho, but that is hardly relative.
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