BeAware of LimeWire UnInstall... DELETES... BeAware of LimeWire UnInstall...
I've been a LW user for quite some time... at least since v1.6... Never had a problem with an LW install before today... I had been running 2.2.1 Pro.
Today I Dl'ed the 2.3.0 Pro Beta. I got an unexpected error during install, a WIN NT Dr. Watson issue with IDRIVE.EXE. Install failed, in the middle. Things were amuck...
So I went to officially UNInstalled (CPanel Add/Remove) LW 2.2.1, and was SURPRISED to see that it: DELETED all directories and files under it's root, including all Shared FILES, and any Directories you mave have created for whatever purpose, such as my ORG directory where I neatly kept my LW EXE versions and notes.
It is real BAD that LW UNInstall DELETED Files and Folders that it did not create. This is BAD Installation Etiquette !
Come'on LW, this is Kindergarden 101 stuff. |