Thread: Burning CD's
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Old October 12th, 2007
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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1. Only burn onto CD-R's not CD-RW's.
2. Choose to burn at the lowest speed the disk allows.
3. Choose a reliable brand of CD-R to burn with.
4. Better to choose a low speed CD-R disk (eg: speed 1-24) than the high speed disks (up to 52 speed), because some players do not like the high speed disks & especially don't like them burnt at high speeds.
5. Make sure you choose to burn audio type disk, not mp3 disk.
6. Make sure you choose a disk that has never been used before; a new cd-r disk. A CD-R disk can only be burnt once in audio mode. CD-R disks are Write-able once only, not ReWritable.
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