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Old October 12th, 2007
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Peerless Peerless is offline
Riding a Pale Horse and Wielding THE Sword of the Forum
Join Date: June 19th, 2002
Location: Your Worst Nightmare
Posts: 2,993
Peerless is a jewel in the rough

trust me, they relate to audio also....

true to life story:

I once wanted to hear a specific track by one of my favorite artists...was too lazy to ferret out where my CD was, so decided to download please note, the track I wanted to hear was about 3 years old at that time, so it certainly wasn't a high popularity freshly released song...long story short, it took me over 20 minutes to find a real version of the song, there were that many spoofed files floating around, all with high host counts...I decided to NEVER again buy a track from that most brilliant female pianist/vocalist...I figure if she has the monies to pay some slimy company to spoof the networks, then she has the ability to absorb the loss of my business...

So Long and Thanks for All the Files

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