I'm going LOOPY trying to figure out what happened here!
Last week, I downloaded 6 episodes of
******* series 4... they're all AVI files btw....
Watched them all, PERFECTLY on WinDVD...
Then downloaded 7 and 8... and found the 'complete series' so 'skipped' those I had and downloaded the rest...
WHILE they were downloading, I decided to watch ep 7 and it's wobbley and staggery... the sound is fine... I don't mean just now and then.. I mean ALL the time! it's as if someone is shaking the projector while it's playing

I tried other AVI files again to see if "something" has infested them.. but nope! They play well too!! So... tried to watch some of those I HAD watched previously, and THEY are bad too!!!!!!!!!

I've been sitting here, googling, reading forums, trying everything I know (very little atm) even tried CONVERTING them to DVD files... but they're STILL shaking!!

I paid $30 extra over and above my usual broadband fee this month for the extra Gb to download

does ANYONE know what's wrong and how to correct it???
THANKS for reading anyway
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