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Old October 15th, 2007
caseybob caseybob is offline
Gnutella Admirer
Join Date: April 13th, 2007
Posts: 51
caseybob is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel
Smile Reply to DUKE1 re D'load speed problems!

Your problem post covers many questions many members have had at one time or another so am going to be lengthy to clear my own head. Firstly, you are paying TELSTRA (ISP) a serious sum for an advertised Plan Rate of 30MegaBits per sec DOWNload and 1MegaBit UPload.
The DL is very fast with the UPload very slow, a whopping big ratio of 30 to 1...highest I had ever seen on the planet before was 15 to 1. Your 'Speed Test' showed 60% of Optimum D'Load (18,808) whilst your UPload was a little above 100% at 1100 (no surprise given the Plan is so low on UP). But bear with me here for most important, which is what are you ACTUALLY getting in usage. REMOC gave some great support, but your DOWNloads are still way below what they should be. Your optimum PLAN D'load speed is 3,700 KILOBYTES per sec; your Speed Test D'load result translates into about 2,300 KILOBYTES per sec; your last info on ACTUAL D'load speed was a mere 304 KILOBYTES per sec (from 84 hosts?)...thats about 13% of your speed test, and 8% of your advertised Plan speed. There is something WRONG with this picture! Now as Remoc said, a max. of 8 D'Load hosts on basic LW is usual...thats what I get, so the 84 hosts you reported is a complete mystery to me. Your initial POST wondered about speed settings (under Tools)...despite your very low Up, your Down is very fast, so suggest trying T3 and see what happens. Remoc mentioned 'shaping', or 'bandwidth throttling' as I call it, by Internet Service seems to be almost everywhere now using more sophisticated 'throttle' programs. Many of the people you are DOWNloading from will be 'throttled', but this whole scenario suggests Telstra is throttling Your DOWNloads, which would the major factor in you getting only 13% of your D'load Speed Test. Most ISP's throttle either UP or DOWN; your UP is so low compared to your DOWN, it is likely Telstra would choose to throttle DOWN, if in fact they are throttling, which we don't know. This was lengthy because your situation involves so many of the questions that pop up in DOWN/UPLOAD PROBLEM Posts over and over again. You would do us all a great favour by replying in detail after a bit more tweaking and another Speed Test, whilst including complete details of your system as requested in LimeWire Post rules.
Enjoy OZ and good luck, caseybob
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