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Old October 18th, 2007
ukbobboy01 ukbobboy01 is offline
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Default Fake Booby-Trap Files

Hi again MaryLeah

I agree with your decision, the file you were trying to download from, now that you mention your browser taking over, is definitely a faked booby-trapped file.

I have come across these files before, i.e. when you try to download them they access your browser and take you to a website you are not interested in, I believe it is form of "cheap" advertising.

It is possible to configure your browser, like I have with my Opera browser, to resist these bogus instructions that cause it to "take over", however I am not a Firefox user and so will not be able to give you any guidance on this.

Finally, going back to your original questions about LW, I can now see that your problem was brought about by this fake file, so if you ever come across these bogus files again, unfortunately the gnutella network is littered with them, just press cancel and move on.

Good Luck

UK Bob
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