Thread: Burning CD's
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Old October 20th, 2007
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WMP is a Royal Pain in the *** if you ask me. I refuse to use it. There are a lot of really good media players out there that won't give you so much trouble.
If your interested, here is probably one of the best, and it's free. You might consider taking a look. Has codecs built in and thats one of the big problems with WMP is you always have to download several codec packs just to get it to play.

VLC media player - Overview.

Hope this helps.

Sorry, when I saw that you were using WMP I forgot to tell you that you can't Burn DVD's with WMP. Will only burn CD's. Also see my Edit in post #10.
Thanks, Remoc.

I Don't Suffer From Insanity, I Enjoy Every Minute of it

Last edited by Remoc; October 20th, 2007 at 09:15 AM.
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