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Old October 23rd, 2007
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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oops sorry the late reply.

No that update is Basic. If you wish to update your LW, then get the installer from your personal pro download page. This should not affect you if you already have 4.14.10 Pro on your system. It looks like you installed the Basic version over the top of your pro version & that's why it's giving you the upgrade message.

Our forum has been very critical to for this process they introduced. It has confused a lot of people & caused them a lot of issues. Including losing their previous installations of pro. They were giving the update message to pro users & then when they clicked the link, they received the basic version.

If you are a pro user, BOOKMARK your personal pro download page. And only get your updates from that page. Check it periodically because over the last 4 weeks of your support they will warn you on that page that your support is nearing an end & offer you a discount to continue.
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