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Old October 23rd, 2007
grakeshmadhav grakeshmadhav is offline
Join Date: October 18th, 2007
Posts: 1
grakeshmadhav is flying high
Default Gnutella p2p socket programing

HI all,
can i get gnutella related socket and server programing source code files in C lang.
i require code for functions to

1. int startServer(ushort * serverport, int wildip)
// 2. int connectToHost(char *nhost, ushort nport, int byip, IPAddr ipaddr)
// 3. int acceptConnect( int serversock)
// 4. IPAddr getOwnIpAddress(int sock) // own ip address
// 5. IPAddr getPeerIpAddress(int sock) // own ip address
// 6. char * getPeerName(int sock, ushort * peerport)
// 7. IPAddr strtoipaddr(char *str)
// 8. char *ipaddrtostr(IPAddr adr)


1. Descriptor * buildQueryHitDescriptor(Host * host, Result resultset[], int count, Descriptor * querydesc)
// 2. int sendDescriptor(Host* host, Descriptor * desc, int sock)
// 3. Descriptor * rcvDescriptor(int sock)
// searchDirectory(Host * host, Result rset[], char * search_string )
// scanDirectory(Host * host, Result rset[])
// 7. void httpFileUpload(int sock,char* folder)
// 8. int httpFileDownload( int sock, char * file_name, char * folder)

These are the functions i need to fill up with the available parametres in the function prototype.
Please help me asap
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