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Old October 23rd, 2007
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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I don't like some of their practices also & have spoken to some of their employees. Most notably those most recent issues that affected many including yourself. Yes, more information should be included on their website so people are not surprised by what they should/could have been informed about at the outset.

But yes, after support finishes, you have the option to continue by repurchasing Pro, keeping your present copy of pro (if you have a backup), or using Basic.
As I was saying about the discount during that last month of support, it used to be $14 to continue. I am not sure what it is now nor what they offer at the end of the yearly option.

And btw, certain issues including this one has distanced us somewhat from the For a start, they have been paying less attention to this forum, less attention to issues brought to them by persons such as myself, less attention to program bugs, less attention to feature requests. Their programmers rarely visit these forums nowadays & the last one to post here was 16 months ago if that says anything. Their programming staff has quadruppled over past 12 months & their other staff has also increased. They seem to have become too big for their boots; losing touch with the end user / their customers.

Programs such as Phex & FrostWire are just as good & are free.
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