Thread: Error type 39?
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Old March 20th, 2002
tabsgran2 tabsgran2 is offline
Join Date: March 20th, 2002
Location: Sugar Land, TX (22 mi SW of Houston)
Posts: 1
tabsgran2 is flying high
Angry Error Type -39

I am having the same problem. I have tried on my iBook with the most current version of LimeWire Pro (both versions of .bin downloads) and Beta. I am running OS 9.2.2 with 288 MB of built in Memory (+Virtual Memory is ON).
I upgraded to Stuffit Deluxe 6.5.1. (I upgraded because of this problem and it did the same as the older version)
Message: The Application "LimeWire Mac.bin" could not be opened because an Error of Type -39 occured.
When I try to expand with Stuffit Expander, nothing happens. I have studied the FAQ's and have tried 12-15 different approaches.

I installed both on my newer iMac that has OS 9.2.2 also. Same result. I have OS X but have not installed. Would appreciate some advice.
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