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Old October 30th, 2007
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Peerless Peerless is offline
Riding a Pale Horse and Wielding THE Sword of the Forum
Join Date: June 19th, 2002
Location: Your Worst Nightmare
Posts: 2,993
Peerless is a jewel in the rough

the flip side of the coin here in the US is the fact that many of these defaulted ****s are the result of speculators having bought up a lot of property and now that the home sales market has taken a downturn, they can't sell, which means they can't pay the lo@n on their speculative iñvestmeñt....pffffft on them!....of course I do feel for true homeowners who are in a crunch (trust me, I am)

So Long and Thanks for All the Files

Beware of the big 3 insurance companies in Texas! Read your policies carefully (maybe you'll need a lawyer) Allstate, Farmers & State Farm are overextended and their 'coverage' is worthless...a true waste of your money Read This
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