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Old November 1st, 2007
ukbobboy01 ukbobboy01 is offline
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Default Questionable Downloads (Part 2)

Hi Scomelc

First of all, I will to try not to unduly alarm you but it is possible for someone to put a file into your "Incomplete" folder without you knowing.

A few months ago I found a LW.exe. (the LW install file) in my incomplete folder and made enquires via this forum. Through dogged persistence forum members found out that the LW Org. was using our internet bandwidth to distribute LW without asking us, which is like someone using your electricity without asking your permission.

Therefore, as said before, it is possible for someone with the knowledge and equipment to put something onto your PC without you knowing about it, especially if your have very little or no protective software, e.g. firewall, anti-virus, anti-secret installation, fly-by suppression, etc.

The internet, and the gnutella network, is an extremely dangerous place filled with booby-traps, viruses and all manner of malware designed mainly to convert your PC into part of a criminal enterprise, steal your financial data or con you out of your money, either way you owe it to yourself and your family to protect your PC as best you can.

UK Bob
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