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Old November 3rd, 2007
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garbagefan2 garbagefan2 is offline
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Join Date: April 6th, 2006
Location: Windy City
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garbagefan2 is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

These jerks will do whatever it takes to sell these things. Also, scan your computer for malware. Some of the people that make these put viruses in the players. You can keep the player you have now if you would like to put some songs on there. If the virus scan is clean, I would keep the mp3, even if it is just a couple of songs. Then you can buy another mp3 for all of your other songs. If you go out and buy another one, make sure it's gigabytes, not gigabits. They should tell you. If you need or help, or something else, don't hesitate to ask.
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