Two days to download 900MB movie? i am new to all this downloading lark but it seems wierd that such a small file would take so long,i have set up lw as per instructions,forwarded port,upnp on and so forth,but my download speed is anything from 0kb/s to 20 kb/s,also how much memory is lw using as my pc slows to a crawl every time i use lw,help very welcome.
PC petium 4. @3ghz
OS XP pro media edition
norton firewall(set to allow lw)
512 ram
130 gb hdd
dsl(i think,broadband via telephoneline with adsl filter)
netgear router(upnp on)
home pc
ISP sky broadband
LW 4.14.10
Java 1.6.0_03
download speed 8MB(sure!!!)
upload speed 416kbit/s(sky says!!)
Last edited by mad dave; November 8th, 2007 at 07:34 AM.