This sh** is way over my head......I am so confused now its not even funny..I dont know if it's my ISP doing it or what? I get my internet from a small company and its on no "list" or anything same with the modems. I have tried using different "ports" and its STILL behind a firewall, I have tried to get it passed windows firewall but even with the firewall OFF I still get limewire saying that its behind a bloody firewall. I have NO clue anymore what the heck I am doing and back when I was using ARES I could download full length movies and a few hour's and with this my speed is ......LOL...0 kb/s .....WHAT THE HECK!......I am at my wits end here...and about to toss the intire thing in the garbage......This sucks...I would wrather be intertained by twidling my thumbs then be this confused at something that seems like it should be......."Simple" .....UUGGHAAAA!
And right now I am only trying to download ONE file...
Update........Hmm I just downloaded ARES again and tested it works WONDERFULLY! and FAST!.......I sure wish my Lamewire could do that