Saving Your Files on an External Drive Foxybro
First off, I agree with Remoc and his explanation of how to save your download files to an external drive. I, myself, now have five externals on which I save and shuffle around my downloaded files.
Now, as described by Remoc, you know how to attach an external USB drive to your XP or Vista PC. Note, that you may also have to designate a drive letter, i.e. a letter of the alphabet not currently used by your existing drives (for this example I am going to use "N"), and if needed format the new drive in NTFS.
This is how I go about setting up my drive to accept LW downloads and shared files:
a) Create a folder on the new drive called, for example, Limewire (this name can be anything).
b) Create another folder under "Limewire" called "Share"
c) Create a second folder under "Limewire" called "Incomplete"
You now should have a main folder and two subfolders:
NB: N:\ can be any alphabetical letter of your own choosing.
Now all you have to do is go into Tools > Options and let your LW app know where you save your files.
This will take the uploading/downloading pressure off your main (C:\) drive but you must understand that this will not speed up your PC. LW, like all windows applications, is dependant on how much memory (RAM) in your PC has and how powerful your CPU is, not which disk you application or data is stored on.
UK Bob
Last edited by ukbobboy01; November 13th, 2007 at 11:53 AM.