Hi Wandering Why! These are the details u required
01. Os Version = Windows Xp Pro (Firewall Disabled)
02. What Firewall Am I using = Just Avast Anti Virus Home Edition
03. System Ram = 2GB
04. Hard Disk Space = 90% Available
05. Conection = Broadband upto 8mg (Fast.co.uk)
06. Modem/Router = Bt Voyager 105 usb adsl (Not Supplied By Isp)
07. Connection From = Home
08. Version Of Limewire = Limewire Pro 4.12.11
09. Version Of Java Runtime = 5.0 Update 9
10. Www3.limewire.com6346 Test = Test Worked
11. Are You Sharing A Connection = No
12. Is This A New Problem? Yes, Never Had This Prob Before Untill Now
13. Do You Have A Brick Wall? Yes Yes Yes
14. Are You Port Forwarding Or Is UPNP Enabled? I Really Don't Know (Need Advice On This Matter)
15. What Security Programme Am I Using? Avast Anti Virus
16. What Country Am I In? United Kingdom
I must point out that i have never had this prob before, i have only now started to experience, very slow downloads, since changing ISP, they did not supply me with a modem/router, so using the previouse one by AOL
My new ISP have assured me, they are not shaping p2p traffick...
would appraciate any help on this matter