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Old November 18th, 2007
tranceliner tranceliner is offline
Join Date: November 16th, 2007
Posts: 34
tranceliner is flying high
Default Is This Normal In Limewire?

ok, i have a brick wall in Limewire that will not go away, but my connection is still going upto turbo charged, i can still download stuff, but at a much slower speed than before!

is the brickwall causing the slow down in speeds, or do i need to look elsewhere?

could this be a problem caused by new my ISP? i have deleted the preference folder within limewire, but still no luck... i have configured my Anti virus, but this hasn't resolved the matter...

I even went to the length of downloading other p2p programmes (i.e) frostwire, but same brick wall in that too!

i have also tried using utorrent, again i have a network connection problem with that too!

Is it likley that my ISP is blocking me somehow? even tho they are assuring me, that i am getting full speeds down my line?

the modem i am using was from my previous ISP (AOL) could there be a compatibility issue there?

please in need of some solid advice, considering getting rid of my new ISP if matter isn't resolved... thanx

Thread merged...please stop posting new threads & just keep it all in the one place. Here.

Last edited by birdy; November 18th, 2007 at 05:22 PM. Reason: Merging thread.
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