All Limewire does is say that it is connecting to a server, but never does. Here are my details.
1. Limewire 4.14.10
2. Java 1.6.0_03
3. Vista Premium
4. Zone Alarm (with LimeWire allowed in progam control)
5. disk space is 273 gb free
6. Ram is 2 gb
7. I have a wireless 512 k connection to internet it is with Clearwave and I was able to get the 'Your test worked!' from the link
8. My router is a Belkin wirless G F5D7230-4 and my modem is an Alvarion Breeze Access 824702
9. The router is UPnP enabled.
10. Limewire use to work on my old XP system but now doesn't with my new Vista system. It has been probably 8 months since I have been connected though.
11. I am using AVG Antivirus and CounterSpy and ZoneAlarm.
12. I am connecting from my house.
13. I am in the USA.
Thanks for your time